Current 2009 works on completion and moderation Vit Morgun's firm Internet sites from series VitMor and MorGun will proceed. The special attention will be given English-speaking sites VitMor. COM and VitMor. NET - a site a web of services and a site-catalogue. Works and on all Russian-speaking sites from series VitMor (RU, NET.RU, ORG.RU, PP.RU) and MorGun (NET, ORG, BIZ, INFO, WS, NET.RU, ORG.RU, PP.RU, INT.RU) also will proceed. Will pass модерацию and the very first site V-MORGUN.NAROD.RU (on Yandex). During work sites will be browsable, news blocks will function in operating conditions, consultations and services will appear in full.